Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mixed bag

A random selection of pics this week. The first is of Foster and his favorite cat, Romano, who likes to say good morning to Foster as soon as we open the door. He can be a very annoying cat to us (i.e scratches rugs, tries to wake us up at 4am, etc), but he is extremely patient with Foster and puts up with almost anything Foster does to him.

We planned go to the local Grange Fair this weekend, but when we hit a wall of traffic merely trying to park for the event, we aborted the plan and found a nearby plant nursery that also had a carousel and train to ride for Foster. It was a good find, not too far from home. The train ride took him (and dad) to see llamas, goats, emus, and pigs. Molly and I waited at the "station" for them to return.

Molly had her 2 month appointment this week and she is in the 90th percentile for height and weight. She has a very strong head turn to the right which has caused her head and right ear to be a bit misshapen and the doctor thought her neck muscles might be getting a bit tight on the left. So she'll start some early intervention PT to try to encourage her to turn left more!

Last but not least, I surprised Chris will Phillies tickets for our anniversary yesterday and we enjoying a gorgeous night and great seats at the game. We brought Molly, unsure of how she would handle it, and she slept the entire time (despite our seats being directly under a speaker) in the sling and didn't wake up until 2am at home after being transferred from sling to car to bed.

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