Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day

A couple random shots of the kids...Molly attempting tummy time and Foster on his tricycle, which he is desperate to ride. He tried "stretching" his legs last night to try to make them longer to reach the pedals. Next summer it will be a big hit!
Today we visited Howell Living History farm at which they were having a Plowing Match with horses, oxen, and old-time plows. It was very interesting to see all they were judged on (straightness of the line, the ease of handling horses, the appearance of the horses, etc) and to just observe the huge draft horses. Foster was pretty obsessed with the two oxen, Jake and Chris. We had visited this farm the day before and seen them at rest and he obviously had formed a bond with them! We finally convinced him away from the oxen with the promise of a horse ride...his first! Loved it so much he was devastated when it was over (i.e. tantrum). Despite seeing so many impressive large animals, the whole ride home he was fixated on Maggie the cattle dog who wandered the premises (unfortunately I didn't think to snap her picture!).

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