Monday, March 29, 2010

Ten month trials

The moving maniac has become truly maniacal this week. He is pretty much frustrated about 95% of the time because he wants to walk or crawl, but can't. The only way to stave off the tantrums is one of us supporting him while he holds on to something, which is exhausting! He seems relatively content on the move, so despite the rain today, we went on three walks outside AND went to the mall to walk. There is also a small indoor playground at the mall where Foster got his first kiss from a cute girl named Emma. Sadly, we will likely never see her again, unless a rainy day finds us there again. Luckily (for me) Foster had a solid 45 minutes of happiness before bed, during which he made great strides (no pun intended) with crawling. This weekend we had a great time with visitors, Lucy and Gary from Boston and Reema. I was not diligent in my blogging and forgot to take pictures of their visits...sorry guys! It was fun to share in Lucy and Gary's excitement of being 20 weeks pregnant with a girl. Another playmate for Foster in the Boston area! Despite meeting Reema many times, Foster had a meltdown when I tried to hand him to her, so I think separation anxiety has also kicked in at 10 months. It took a while, but he was smiling and laughing with her by the end of the night.
Despite the trials and tribulations of the 10-month mark, he still charms us with his smiles and brings great joy. Here's a collection of the cuties from the week.

Hopefully one last chance for all the cold weather gear???

The light was hitting his hair so perfectly! My hair did the exact same thing at that age...

A happy kid with dad!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz, it was great to spend time with you and Chris and meet the smiley little fella. I unpacked your clothes last night...the trousers will be a godsend....thank you so much for everything!!!
