Monday, March 29, 2010

Ten month trials

The moving maniac has become truly maniacal this week. He is pretty much frustrated about 95% of the time because he wants to walk or crawl, but can't. The only way to stave off the tantrums is one of us supporting him while he holds on to something, which is exhausting! He seems relatively content on the move, so despite the rain today, we went on three walks outside AND went to the mall to walk. There is also a small indoor playground at the mall where Foster got his first kiss from a cute girl named Emma. Sadly, we will likely never see her again, unless a rainy day finds us there again. Luckily (for me) Foster had a solid 45 minutes of happiness before bed, during which he made great strides (no pun intended) with crawling. This weekend we had a great time with visitors, Lucy and Gary from Boston and Reema. I was not diligent in my blogging and forgot to take pictures of their visits...sorry guys! It was fun to share in Lucy and Gary's excitement of being 20 weeks pregnant with a girl. Another playmate for Foster in the Boston area! Despite meeting Reema many times, Foster had a meltdown when I tried to hand him to her, so I think separation anxiety has also kicked in at 10 months. It took a while, but he was smiling and laughing with her by the end of the night.
Despite the trials and tribulations of the 10-month mark, he still charms us with his smiles and brings great joy. Here's a collection of the cuties from the week.

Hopefully one last chance for all the cold weather gear???

The light was hitting his hair so perfectly! My hair did the exact same thing at that age...

A happy kid with dad!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A moving maniac

Foster is really antsy these days. Gone are the content hours sitting and playing with toys on the floor. He constantly wants to stand or attempt to crawl, neither which he does well! He is getting much stronger standing, but buckles every once in a while. The downside of his new teeth (two on the bottom now) is his first bloody lip from a faceplant. He doesn't have much patience for his Exersaucer anymore, but yesterday morning he went crazy in it. See the video...

We finally got Foster a few sunhats...he seems to like this one the best.

The weather has been great, and we spent some time on the deck in the shade. The birds and squirrels seemed to keep him stimulated for a while...until he wanted to move again!

Foster is learning to hold his own bottle. He can do it, but definitely chooses not to most of the time. I can't wait until I can encourage him to drink the whole thing by himself! He is also a bit obsessed about drinking from cups. No glass of water is safe anymore.

Since his dad is a home brewer and Foster is named after a beer, it's no wonder he wants to crack into this bottle! Only 20 years and 2 months to go-

A cute picture of the boys in the morning in their PJs.

I really can't believe he is going to be 10 months old on Monday. At what point do they officially go from baby to boy?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Random pics

Foster is concentrating on being super cute this week to make up for his decision to get up at 5:30am. We're worried after "Spring Ahead" this weekend, it will be 4:30am. I wish I could be that happy and charming before the sun rises!

He's getting much more tolerant of tummy time, especially if it involves food. Note the great hair...100% natural. No static needed.
He's been obsessed with holding onto this chair while standing and when I finally let him sit in it, he was so content. Mom finally figured out what he wanted!

He LOVES butternut squash!
My name is Foster, I'll be your train engineer today.

We got a taste of spring this week and were scrambling to get Foster ready for a walk. Perhaps a little over-protective? Not with that complexion!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Houston, we have a tooth!

We finally have sight of a tooth (bottom middle), after 4 months of mouthing everything he can! The drooling hasn't really kicked in...maybe he's just swallowing it all. The teething hasn't significantly affected Foster's sleeping or attitude....yet (I'm sure I just jinxed myself). Teething has brought on continued chewing and a preference for very hard items, like wooden spoons and wooden cribs. He is still pulling himself up on things, including his crib. The only thing saving us now is that he still can't get from lying down to sitting up, so he can't (yet) catapult himself out of his crib. Tomorrow the mattress will be lowered, just in case.

It has also brought on major lips and tongue smacking!


We traveled to Gloversville last weekend to visit Papa and Linda. They were nice enough to babysit while Chris and I got in an awesome day skiing at Gore mountain on Sunday. My legs only held up for about 4 hours, but luckily it was warm enough to sit in an Adirondack chair outside and soak up the sun while Chris got in a few more runs. Luckily Foster didn't give Papa and Linda much trouble when we were skiing. Here is is with the dogs too, Tupper and Colden. Foster loved the dogs...I think he misses one around the do I!