Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mostly words....

I've been good about loading pics onto the blog, but haven't had much time to write recently. Both kids are astounding us everyday with their fast growth. Foster is listening all the time (even when you think he is in another world!), absolutely LOVES reading books (we're in a Curious George and Clifford obsession right now...luckily we have a super library in town), and has some very funny sayings. Our favorites are "I working hard" and "it's ok mommy/daddy" when we do something wrong or clumsy. Out of the blue he also started saying "In the meantime...." in the appropriate manner. We're not sure where he picked up that one, but it's pretty funny coming from a 2.5 year old. "In the meantime I'm going to play with my cars." :) We took him to the aquarium last weekend and it's amazing to watch him absorb the info about scuba divers, sharks, jelly fish, etc, and then recall it days later when you are least expecting it.

Molly has also developed with leaps and bounds. She is a rolling machine, even with her 10 pound helmet. Ok, maybe it's closer to 1 pound but it feels extremely heavy relative to her body! She is trying to learn to sit up on her own, but the helmet definitely makes her top heavy and topples her quickly. She is going to have some serious neck muscles in 3 months. Molly's first tooth erupted around Christmas and after a rough start with cereals (gag, barf) she is loving fruits and vegetables. She teases me with sleeping through the night on occasion, but for the most part she still likes to nurse once. I guess sleep training may need to be considered soon since she is getting a bit old and her mom a bit tired of night time feedings.

So this is not a totally boring post...a few pics from the aquarium.

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