Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas vacation

We had a wonderful trip to the greater Boston area for the holidays. We flew a new small airline out of the tiny Trenton airport and we hope we never have to drive again! A great flying experience on roomy small planes! Will and Erika were gracious to host us for for an entire week and they also hosted the xmas day meal. Carter and Foster had lots of fun together, albeit with the expected difficulties in sharing new toys. We traveled to their lake house mid-week, where both kids came down with terrible respiratory colds. To make a long story (and ER trip) short, they both had RSV and bronchiolitis. We at least have our first trip to the ER under our belts for both kids, although hopefully we'll never need another dual trip. They are both doing much better

In other news, Molly got her helmet on Friday. She was born with a stiff neck (torticollis) and developed a pretty significant flat head which did not resolve with PT. So, she will be sporting this helmet for at least 3 months, 23 hours a day (to make her head grow more normally)! So far she doesn't seem to mind it much.

Happy New Year to all!

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