Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Boston trip

We headed up to Boston this weekend for a brief visit before I get too big and uncomfortable to travel. It was a whirlwind of a trip and we forgot the camera, so a few more pictures may be coming from others (these are from Erika, thanks!). Foster and Pierce had fun playing on Saturday, with visits from Carter Mills, 16 mos, and Duncan Bierne, 10 mos (not pictured). Pierce was the perfect host and graciously shared all his toys, including his window stickers with Carter and Foster. Saturday evening we spent some more time with the Mills/Marchant famlies and got a visit with baby Gavin VanCleef, 3 mos, and Karen on Sunday morning. Baby boys rule the roost in this family! But luckily we know a girl is on the way to help balance out the genders.

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