Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Boston trip

We headed up to Boston this weekend for a brief visit before I get too big and uncomfortable to travel. It was a whirlwind of a trip and we forgot the camera, so a few more pictures may be coming from others (these are from Erika, thanks!). Foster and Pierce had fun playing on Saturday, with visits from Carter Mills, 16 mos, and Duncan Bierne, 10 mos (not pictured). Pierce was the perfect host and graciously shared all his toys, including his window stickers with Carter and Foster. Saturday evening we spent some more time with the Mills/Marchant famlies and got a visit with baby Gavin VanCleef, 3 mos, and Karen on Sunday morning. Baby boys rule the roost in this family! But luckily we know a girl is on the way to help balance out the genders.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring is here!

We were graced with some warm weather last week and eager to get outside as much as possible. Here's a shot of Foster (doing "big smile") helping out with the gardening. He had a blast with Papa and Lulu this weekend, who also helped out with the yard work. Despite some snow this week, we're looking forward to more warm spring days!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Break

Chris and I just returned from our "babymoon" in attempt to relax and build up some reserves before #2 arrives this summer. Although we missed Foster dearly, he had a blast with Nana and is still asking where she is! We can't thank her enough for keeping our little guy happy while we were gone. She was also very good at taking lots of cute pictures.

Chris and I enjoyed a few days of sun, beach, sleep, shuffleboard, ping pong, mini golf, swimming, scrabble, great food, and great drinks (I was loving the virgin Pina Coladas). There is no hiding that I'm pregnant at this point, so I think I was the most scandalous person in a bikini the shuffleboard had seen in a while. Unfortunately, Chris came out the champion in shuffleboard, scrabble, and ping pong. I did manage to pull off the mini golf championship though.

The only downer of the trip was the threat of our house flooding at home. We had seats reserved on flights each day in case we had to fly home and clear out our basement. Luckily, we barely missed this one. I'm including one picture of River Road...a half block from our house.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Who would have thought....

...that I would be so excited to go to train show I'd drive an hour to get to it? I guess it just reflects how your children's interests can become your own. However, once we were at the train show, I had flashbacks to our train set in the basement of our home in Wilmington, DE when I was 5-6 years old. My sister and I (Will, you were a bit young to show much interest....yet) loved the little people, the station, and the "real" smoke coming out of the engine. Foster hasn't developed a train obsession, but we thought he'd enjoy the show. Boy did he ever! He was all smiles...except on the train ride once he realized we weren't on it with him. His friend RJ (sitting behind him) was a bit more stoic. Remember RJ from a September post? Foster has a way of roping him into pushing him around. Last weekend also found us at a cubscout Pinewood Derby watching 7 year olds race wooden cars for the chance to compete at the "mall" level derby. The only thing missing from the weekend was an airshow!

One last picture of Foster reading to his animals in his new room.