Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow, shovel, ice, repeat

I haven't updated the blog in a while, mostly because there isn't much to report other than the weather! As everyone on the East coast knows, it's been a crazy winter so far. The last storm dumped about 16 inches on us. Luckily (?) last night's storm was mostly freezing rain and little snow accumulation. It made for a slick morning, but beautiful ice-encrusted trees. Although we didn't have to shovel this morning, the house is without power for an indeterminate amount of time. Chris's plan to "work from home" today may turn into "work from Starbucks". Luckily daycare was open today and hopefully they maintain power this afternoon.
A few pics from our growing snowbanks. I'm sure they can't compete with Boston and NY, but we're pretty impressed for the Mid-Atlantic!

Due to the recent weather, we've spent a bit more time indoors than usual. We had a delivery of boxes a few weeks ago and Foster became obsessed with decorating them. Luckily they didn't need to be returned. I'm not sure if LLBean would have accepted them!

Another sign of a fun snow day...a totally trashed living room!

Free-style breakfast this morning...

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