Monday, February 14, 2011

Big boy changes!

Foster has had a couple of eventful weeks but with few pictures to share. After struggling with an antibiotic resistant ear infection for the past 2 months, he finally had ear tubes placed. The whole procedure and anesthesia was likely more traumatic for us than Foster, but he handled it like a champ. I have one pre-surgery picture from my phone of him in his surgical gown and already a bit sedate from his premedication (he is cuddling with Brooklyn, his comfort item). It's not the best quality...sorry. So far we can't really tell if they are working, but he gets them checked in a week. We are keeping our fingers crossed that they will cut down on trips to the pediatrician!

This weekend we also started transitioning Foster into a twin bed in his new room (bye, bye guest room). I had mentally prepared myself for weeks of adjustment and lack of sleep, but it's going better than expected. He really loves playing in his new room and on his big boy bed. His wake-ups have been a bit earlier (5am), but we are gradually getting back to a more reasonable time (this morning, 7am..phew)! I'm sure once he realizes he can actually get out of bed and play with all his toys, that's a whole new game. You can also see in the pictures that he's become obsessed with his stuffed animals and wants to sleep with as many as possible. Brooklyn the elephant will always be his favorite, but they no longer have an exclusive relationship. :)

Foster is far from understanding that he is going to be a big brother soon, but we can now explain to him that he will have a little sister arriving in June! We got the news on Friday at the ultrasound and are very excited to be welcoming a little girl into the family. Someone to help even out all the boys in the household (Chris, Foster, Elvis, Romano, Waylon, Cinco)!!

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