Friday, May 21, 2010

364 1/2 days

I have to post some pictures from last weekend in Gloversville before our trip gets trumped by Fosters's first birthday! We had a great time at Camp Opening 2010, although I personally did little other than play with Carter and Foster (tough job, but someone's got to do it). The boys lucked out and got to do the awnings. It was a bit of a zoo with 4 dogs, including Cinco, but we managed to avoid any major dog fights. Kobi was very patient with Foster crawling all over him and trying to put his hands in his mouth. Hopefully Cinco will be so patient someday!

Betsy and Chris are on the way from the airport now and we'll have a small party with a big cake tomorrow for Foster. Chris and I then head out for a backpacking trip in the "Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania" ( There is a 30 mile trail that we'll try to do leisurely over 3 1/2 days. It will be hard to be away from Foster, but we're looking forward to the adventure.

Hopefully I'll get some pictures up before then, but I'm not making any promises!

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