Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

A few pictures to start off the new year. In order: Foster in a sweater knit by my sister Sarah for her son Taylor when he was this age (7 1/2 years ago). He looks like a little rugged fisherman in it (fishing from his Exersaucer...)! Next, Foster LOVES to eat and is usually very happy during a meal. We haven't found a food he doesn't like yet. Third, Foster ready for a rugby match (thanks to the Smith family for the manly shirt). And lastly, a picture for Don Chambers, who I hear appreciated the picture of the hoar frost in the previous post. Here is the "big picture" of that day (credit to Sarah for this beautiful shot)!


  1. Is that my pic? Or did you take the same one? :) I'll expect a cut of any proceeds.

  2. Okay he TOTALLY looks like the most adorable little Charlie Brown in that 3rd pic. You're a good man, Foster Little!
