Friday, October 26, 2012

Fun fall Friday....

GS Hayride!

The leaves at the GS are so much more fun than those at home....

Friday, October 19, 2012

Puddle play....

After a long rainy day we finally saw the sun. The puddle across the street is always tough to resist....

First attempt with pigtails!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Camping with kids

Corralling the kids...

Foster getting launched by Chris.

A chilly breakfast
Most of you have seen these pictures, but for those of you who I do not communicate with on Facebook, here are few from our first family camping trip. It was at a very urban KOA site, but despite the crowds, it was the quietest campsite at night I've ever stayed at. Perhaps b/c all the families had kids and it wasn't the type of place for random drunkards yelling at 2am. The kids slept well in the tent for it being their first time, although we cheated and brought the pack-n-play for Molly. It helped that they had a great playground and a huge bouncing pillow to tire them out (see pic). The Mullany boys were tons of fun and old pros at this camping thing!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Late September wanderings

I realized I've been using my phone for pictures as of late (i.e. lazy shots) and just uploaded a few from the past few weeks. We've had absolutely lovely weather for almost all of September and still enough daylight to enjoy it after school for a bit. Mimi visited two weeks ago and we had a great time with her, and only wished she could have stayed longer. She even babysat the kids overnight so Chris and I got a night out in Philly. Thanks Mimi!
Our green car gets a bit greener.

A fall favorite, Slack Farm

Out walking with Mimi

Waiting for dad to get home

Foster and his tree

Where oh where is my daddy?

I'll have to get a few shots of Foster on his Strider bike...which he has recently become obsessed with and almost every evening after dinner we're out with the neighborhood kids riding (well, he's riding, we're chasing Molly). It's amazing how coordinated he is and how fast he gets around on that thing! A great invention...