Sunday, September 9, 2012

(Dis)Organized sports

Foster and I are venturing into the big world of YMS (yardley makefield soccer) this year. Foster's first organized sport (in his 3 years) and my first time playing soccer in 14 years. His "league" plays 3 v 3 and it's the equivalent of herding cats. He was a little tentative, but he wasn't the crying kid on the field. Not bad for day one. I had my first game today in the Coed adult league. Turns out Coed means 1 girl/woman per team, so I'll be running with the big boys. Totally exhausted (and I may have trouble moving for 3-4 days) but it was lots of fun to play again!
Molly still prefers dancing to soccer (I'll try to post a video). Excuse the almost naked child and trashed living room. It's our norm for Saturday and Sunday mornings.

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