Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy 9 months Molly!

We got Molly's 9 month stats yesterday, and at 30 inches long, she is literally off the charts for length. And at 21.5 lbs, she is in the 90% for weight. Not so much a bean pole...more of a bean stalk! She is gabbing tons and shimmying around on her belly but not yet crawling. She sleeps through the night most of the time, but with many teeth coming in, we do have some restless nights. The toughest development has been pretty severe stranger anxiety, especially at school. If she can't see one of her two primary care givers, she gets genuinely terrified. Even people who rotate through her room everyday cause her major anxiety. Nana couldn't even hold her when visiting last week. :( Hopefully it's just a phase.
After 6-7 months of screaming through baths, she finally loves them. She just wanted to be in the big bath and not the little baby tub! She especially likes them when Foster takes them with her. He always makes her laugh and giggle without much effort. Foster seems to be having a growth spurt also, but we don't have any official stats to report....just that his pants are finally getting to short! We're looking forward to a visit from the Will Mills family this weekend and NICU reunion next weekend!
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1 comment:

  1. Such cuties! And I love the strategically placed tub toy in Foster's pic. Have fun this weekend.
