Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happy 6 months Molly!

Excuse the grainy pics from my phone...we haven't been good about using our camera lately!

Our little girl turned 6 months this weekend...hard to believe how much time has passed since her birth this summer. She continues to be a very happy baby who adores her older brother. Although she smiles all the time, Chris and I try unsuccessfully over and over again to make her laugh. Then Foster will walk in the room and she will spontaneously start laughing at him. She had her 6 month appointment yesterday and is in the 95% for height and 75% for weight. A chronic upper respiratory infection has slightly slowed her weight gain, but she has plenty of reserves, primarily in her chunky thighs. :)

We got our first Christmas tree with the kids last week and so far no major disasters (with children or the 3 cats). It makes for a nice evening to sit by the softly lit tree with our fake fireplace glowing (great for atmosphere, terrible for actual heat).

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Foster looks dashing in a sweater knit for Taylor by Mimi and handed down this year. If only we could teach Foster how to smile on command....this is his interpretation of a smile.

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