Monday, December 19, 2011

More December fun

Here a few more pictures from the month...these were taken on our camera before the lens broke (grrrrrrr...). We're going to try to resurrect our old one for the holidays!

A playdate with his friend Leo. Doing some yoga together.

Getting the tree....

Decorating the tree.....
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happy 6 months Molly!

Excuse the grainy pics from my phone...we haven't been good about using our camera lately!

Our little girl turned 6 months this weekend...hard to believe how much time has passed since her birth this summer. She continues to be a very happy baby who adores her older brother. Although she smiles all the time, Chris and I try unsuccessfully over and over again to make her laugh. Then Foster will walk in the room and she will spontaneously start laughing at him. She had her 6 month appointment yesterday and is in the 95% for height and 75% for weight. A chronic upper respiratory infection has slightly slowed her weight gain, but she has plenty of reserves, primarily in her chunky thighs. :)

We got our first Christmas tree with the kids last week and so far no major disasters (with children or the 3 cats). It makes for a nice evening to sit by the softly lit tree with our fake fireplace glowing (great for atmosphere, terrible for actual heat).

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Foster looks dashing in a sweater knit for Taylor by Mimi and handed down this year. If only we could teach Foster how to smile on command....this is his interpretation of a smile.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving in Florida

We traveled to Florida for Thanksgiving to celebrate with Chris's grandmother and the Little and Morris families. Traveling with two kids was exciting, but we had no major mishaps or delays along the way. The beautiful weather, swimming, happy kids, and family time were all certainly worth the trip! Foster and Pierce were little fish the entire time and tough to get out of the pools (I was also in, so we didn't get any pictures on our camera). So much so that we never made it to the actual beach! Molly also had her first swim and surprisingly loved it despite hating baths at home.

Before Thanksgiving Foster had his 2.5 year check up and measured in the 90% for height and weight. He has continuing ear problems (one ear tube has fallen out and will require replacement) but is otherwise a healthy kid!