Saturday, June 4, 2011

Zoo trip

Foster and I went to the Philly zoo yesterday for the first time, and as expected, he loved it! I felt guilty it had taken me this long to get him there, when it's only about 40 minutes away. He particularly loved the big cats and tried to give them hugs through the glass as they walked by. They just looked like extra large Waylons (our tiger cat). We met his friend RJ there, and the boys were like peas in a pod (they are one day apart in age).

The other good news in our household is that I'm officially "full term" at 37 weeks. The doctors think the baby is on the small side right now (5.5-6 lbs) so hopefully she'll incubate and pork up for another few weeks. I interpret that to mean I need to increase my ice cream intake. It's a huge relief knowing we will hopefully avoid the NICU at this point (at least for issues of prematurity)

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