Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Welcome Teddy!

The Morris family welcomed a new cousin for Foster on Monday, Edmund Bardon Morris...will be know to his friends as Teddy! Welcome to the family Teddy! We can't wait to meet you-

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer fun

Foster is enjoying "reconnecting" with all his old baby stuff. They say toddlers often regress in behavior when a new baby comes along, and that is true when it comes to the baby play mat! Molly has no interest, but Foster loves it! He also enjoys using my nursing pillow as a book reading device.
We had a fun weekend around here with Canal Fest in Yardley (see rubber duck race picture) and a trip "down the shore" on Sunday morning. It was actually only the second time Chris and I have gone to the shore and Foster's first, despite it being only 50 minutes from home. Foster had SO much fun in the sand and surf and Molly slept most of the time in the stroller. We will definitely go back soon!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Inspired by counsin Carter's June 17th blog (, I've put some comparison pictures together of Foster and Molly. Although they have a few similarities (similar mouths?), we think they look quite different at this stage. What do you think?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

This post is dedicated to my wonderful husband who is also an amazing, loving, patient, energetic, and enthusiastic father to Foster and Molly. We love you daddy!

Friday, June 17, 2011

First days with Molly

Foster is becoming more intrigued every day by the presence of Molly and more interested in where she is and what she is doing. Diaper changes have become a struggle with him, but he has been eager to help with Molly's and demonstrate how to do it properly! He also wanted to try on one of her outfits, which amazingly fit his upper torso. Molly is doing great at home...she really sleeps or eats all the time. She only cries if she is really hungry and we haven't realized it yet! I actually googled "newborn sleeps too much" today because I'm amazed how much she sleeps, but it's obviously normal. I am trying to appreciate it while it lasts! She seems to get up more frequently at night to feed that during the day, but she usually goes right back to bed after the feeding.

Although they each deserves their own blogs, I think this blog will become shared by Molly and Foster. Instead of creating a new one and losing track of all these posts, we'll just keep on updating this one. I definitely won't have time to update two!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Big Brother

Foster and his parents welcomed the arrival of sister Molly Stocker Little on June 11th. Foster is intrigued by the new addition and enjoying being a helper around the house!
He is also enjoying his new daycare which has waterplay on Mondays. He was very excited to head out with his new backpack on Monday (thanks Will and Erika)!

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Zoo trip

Foster and I went to the Philly zoo yesterday for the first time, and as expected, he loved it! I felt guilty it had taken me this long to get him there, when it's only about 40 minutes away. He particularly loved the big cats and tried to give them hugs through the glass as they walked by. They just looked like extra large Waylons (our tiger cat). We met his friend RJ there, and the boys were like peas in a pod (they are one day apart in age).

The other good news in our household is that I'm officially "full term" at 37 weeks. The doctors think the baby is on the small side right now (5.5-6 lbs) so hopefully she'll incubate and pork up for another few weeks. I interpret that to mean I need to increase my ice cream intake. It's a huge relief knowing we will hopefully avoid the NICU at this point (at least for issues of prematurity)

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