Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fun with Olivia

I finally got a video to load of Foster and Livy having fun together during their visit. We were having daily struggles trying to get him to go up and down the stairs by himself, and ever since her visit he's been a champ! Thanks Olivia!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Unexpected excitement

Unfortunately we've had an exciting week around here due to circulation of a terrible stomach bug. It hit me on Monday and landed me in the hospital with contractions. The timing is uncanny...I was 30.5 weeks when it hit, the exact time when Foster was born early (due to another stomach bug!). Luckily with IV fluids, drugs, and time, labor seems to be stalled at this point; however, I'm currently home on bed rest for at least the next 3 weeks. Once I was out of the hospital, we were lucky enough to have Sarah and Olivia come help out around the house. Foster had TONS of fun with Livy, but over the course of the week Foster, Chris, Sarah, and Olivia all got the bug. It delayed Sarah and Olivia's departure 24 hours and was not the ideal way to spend their spring break. We were so grateful to have them here and sorry they also got so sick! Chris and Foster are now recovered but Foster woke up with pink eye yesterday. It never ends! Here is a cute picture of Foster and Olivia together resting on their new pillow pets. I have some funny videos too, but having trouble uploading them today.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Elton Foz

One that just makes us smile....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fun with peanuts

Our household has Phillies Phever already on day two of the season! Welcome back Cliff Lee! I'm sure we'll be burnt out by September (or perhaps July for me).

We didn't think styrofoam peanuts had any redeeming qualities...that is, until Foster discovered them. A full hour of fun! Hopefully the UPS store will accept them back to reuse...although there may be some mild snot contamination. Oh well.

We took our first trip to the Philly Please Touch Museum this weekend with Foster's friend Leo. Foster had a blast, although we probably only covered a fraction of the museum in 2 hours. We'll be back!