Monday, October 18, 2010

Reunion weekend!

We spent the weekend in Cornwall, CT with close friends from Williams who traveled from Boston, Baltimore, California, and NYC for our annual reunion. A friend offered up her family's vacation farmhouse for the event, which was a beautiful location and had a maze of bedrooms that fit us all comfortably. It was amazing that we had 12 adults, 6 children, and 2 dogs (not Cinco) in the same household and it was relatively sane and peaceful. The kids had a great time playing together and the adults had a great time watching the kids and relaxing together once the kids were in bed. Foster is a mediocre sleeper in new places, but luckily he slept like a rock our first night home.

Chillaxin before we hit the road

Kent Falls, CT

Foster and Hayden
Coolest pumpkin ever!

Foster and Ellie

Foster, Ellie, and Beatrice

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Never too early to start!
Beautiful Eliza

Adorable Connor

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