Thursday, June 3, 2010


As I said in the previous post, a lot has happened over the past few weeks. Chris and I had a great hiking trip in "The Grand Cayon of Pennsylvania" despite an incredible infestation of tent caterpillars there. Betsy had a super time with Foster while we were gone and it gave us comfort knowing she was here with him while we were gone.

One we got back, the rest of the Little clan and some of the Mills clan trickled into Yardley for graduation activities, which included a graduation party at our house, a brunch, a hooding, a department dinner, many simulcasts, and graduation itself. And there were may more events we could have gone to! Chris has worked so hard over the past 5-6 years to reach this goal and we are so proud of him!The boys (Pierce and Foster) had fun together, although Pierce went home with a fever that Foster is now developing. Pierce recovered quickly, so hopefully Foster will do the same.

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