Saturday, June 26, 2010

1Year Stats

Foster had his official 1 year check-up and vaccines yesterday (only a month late). His weight (24 lbs 11 0z) and head size are in the 75th percentile for his real age and his height (32 inches) is in the 90th percentile. They see no reason to use his "corrected age" anymore to calculate his percentiles since he'd be off the charts for a 10 month old. He is transitioning into daycare over the next few weeks, which he seemed to like his first day, despite getting bit by another child. He has nipped me a few times, although I don't think on purpose yet. Those chompers are sharp and he has some molars coming in!
Mimi comes later this week to take care of Foster while Chris and I go to Mendicino, CA for Spencer and Shon's wedding. We'll miss him tons, but it would be lots of flying and traveling with an antsy toddler who can't walk yet. Foster will have a blast with Mimi though. We will also get to visit Roy and Betsy on either leg of the trip in Tiburon.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Papa and Linda's wedding

It was a beautiful weekend to spend at the Mohonk resort in the Catskills to celebrate Papa's wedding. Foster enjoyed spending time with his extended family and was looking dapper for the events. More pictures likely to follow, since I didn't take many myself.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Berry Season!

Foster has always loved to eat, but now he can't get enough berries (blueberries, blackberries strawberries, etc), which makes for a very messy meal time. He also gave himself an avocado hair treatment this week, although we didn't get pictures of that green mess. He's a very busy guy these days, crawling everywhere FAST and pulling himself up on whatever gets in his path. He seems very close to standing unassisted, but for now, we have lots of KABOOMS as he falls! He's a good sport and gets right back up to continue on his way.
Here is a cute video of Foster with Pops on his birthday.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


As I said in the previous post, a lot has happened over the past few weeks. Chris and I had a great hiking trip in "The Grand Cayon of Pennsylvania" despite an incredible infestation of tent caterpillars there. Betsy had a super time with Foster while we were gone and it gave us comfort knowing she was here with him while we were gone.

One we got back, the rest of the Little clan and some of the Mills clan trickled into Yardley for graduation activities, which included a graduation party at our house, a brunch, a hooding, a department dinner, many simulcasts, and graduation itself. And there were may more events we could have gone to! Chris has worked so hard over the past 5-6 years to reach this goal and we are so proud of him!The boys (Pierce and Foster) had fun together, although Pierce went home with a fever that Foster is now developing. Pierce recovered quickly, so hopefully Foster will do the same.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Piano Duet

We've had a busy, exciting two weeks around here and I have lots of pictures to post, but I'll start with this video of Pierce and Foster. They were having a blast, although Foster got tired of Pierce's enthusiasm.
When a whole household gets up with the kids at 6am, it's easy to forget the rest of the world is likely still sleeping at 7:30 on a Saturday (when this concert occurred). Our neighbors jokingly (?) reminded us of that when they came to Chris's graduation party. They swear they "loved" the duet and knew exactly where it was coming from!