Monday, April 5, 2010

New Tricks

Foster has learned a new trick this week which is making bath time a whole new ballgame! It doesn't help that he is probably too big for this tub and can pull himself out if given the opportunity. We may have to scale back these nightly baths if we have to fill up the whole tub everytime!

I also have to say his attitude has been great...I feel guilty I was complaining about his irritability last week. He has irritable moments, but he is really very happy 95% of the time. I think I had had a particularly tough day with him and wrote the blog at the end of it. He is getting very strong at standing up and can move/walk when he is holding onto things. Every once in a while he throws in a "trust fall" to make sure you're paying attention, but he's learned that if he picks up a toy from his bin with both hands, he needs to lean on his belly to stay standing up. He is also "slithering" around, but not crawling. As long as he has a nice selection of Puffs (commercial finger food) in front of him, he'll stay on his belly for hours! I learned the hard way that Puffs contain a fair amount of sugar. He gorged on them right before bed and was literally bouncing off the tub, me, the rocking chair, the floor, everything! We had to let the sugar wear off before trying again. We'll have to practice some Puffs moderation.

I had a four day weekend and I LOVED the nice weather. We've been getting in 2-3 walks a day, playtime in the backyard, porch's great. If only I could get him to stop eating the hyacinths, buttercups, and grass! Luckily, no slugs yet (Chris ate a slug at this age...).


  1. Ahh he is so cute! Can't wait to see him in a couple of weeks!!

  2. He looks like a natural in the garden! What a cutie.
