Thursday, February 18, 2010

Family visit

Last weekend Foster had fun hosting Mimi, Aunt Erika, Uncle Will, and cousin Carter here in Yardley. Foster passed down his bumbo to Carter and showed off his strong legs to Aunt Erika. Foster treated Carter like any other toy within reach...and tried to put Carter in his mouth. Luckily he just got a mouthful of Carter's slick hair. It was a wonderful weekend with some snow shoeing and x-country skiing; however, we sent Mimi and Will home with the stomach bug. :( So sorry guys.

Foster had his 9 month "High-risk infant" appointment, during which they assess a whole realm of developmental milestones. His developmental delays are random..they were very impressed with his sitting up, yet he can barely roll over. He is starting to learn to pull himself up to standing, but is weak on his tummy, so he might walk before he crawls. As I expected, his speech is also delayed. He uses mostly vowels and few consonants, about the level of a 5-6 month old. These things don't bother us...he'll catch up eventually and the most important thing is that he is healthy! His weight and height are around the 75% for a normal 9 month old.

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