Friday, October 30, 2009

Melts my heart!

I didn't think anything would replace the Halloween pictures before the end of the month on Foster's blog, but this video can't wait! Foster and I were doing a little dancing this morning and he just started laughing up a storm! I've heard tiny spurts of suspected laughter before (was it a burp? a laugh? a cough?), but never anything like this. I had to hide the camera to his side since he becomes entranced by it as soon as you hold it up. Sorry about the bad angle!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Will he ever forgive me?

Since Foster is doing well sitting up in the Bumbo and is a hungry hungry hippo, we tried rice cereal for the first time this week. This picture sums up the whole experience. He wasn't exactly turned off by it, but not much made it down. Thank goodness for bibs!
And I know it's not Halloween yet, but I had to do a trial run with Foster's costume options. I just got this skeleton from Old Navy yesterday and I can't believe it's almost too small! Luckily it only needs to fit for a few more days. He was entranced by it for a while...just staring at his legs and belly. It also glows in the dark...I couldn't capture that on film.
The cat costume is a hand-me-down from Carter and I could barely close the zipper! Foster looks happy, but he can't actually bend his body because it's so tight! Pretty darn cute though.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


This weekend we headed up to Boston for Will and Erika's baby party. It was a wonderful celebration and Foster slept like a champ, so Chris and I could enjoy the party. We stayed with Laura, Halsey, and Pierce on Friday night and the boys got to rock their matching Halloween outfits (thanks Nana!). More pictures to follow from the rest of the weekend!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Having a baby has really shown me the generosity of strangers. A woman who works with my father knit Foster the lion blanket in the above photo. She's never met me or Foster and she sent this beautiful gift!
Here's another picture from our trip to Boston last weekend. Foster got to spend some quality time with cousins Oliva,Taylor and Aunt Sarah and Uncle Dave.

The best thing about hand-me-downs is that things often come full circle. This is a blueberry hat I knit for Foster's friend Carter when he was born a year and a half ago. We were happy to find it in his recent box of hand-me-down clothes. Thanks Valerie and Carter!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Blue Steel

A good Blue Steel shot and a talkative guy!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Worth a 1000 words..

Boston trip

This weekend Foster got to meet most of the Stocker clan at Karen and Roy's wedding celebration and cousin Pierce. The boys clearly share the same casual indifference towards each other right now, but soon enough they will be partners in crime and driving Nana crazy! More pics from our visit with Pierce can be see at

A new favorite pic of mine...