Friday, October 25, 2013

Sleeping beauty

With the holidays approaching and the fact that we can't squeeze Molly into a Pack-n-Play, we tried her in a "big girl bed" this week. It's just the crib missing the front, but she loves it and our backs love not having to hoist her over the bar. It's been a week and just today she realized the power of independence and tried to sleep in the rocking chair. But after about 30 minutes of relocating her multiple times, she fell asleep in bed. Knowing her, this is just the beginning!

Yes, she is wearing velour cow print pants, but they were perfect for the hayride we went on this morning!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Fun

My posts are getting farther and farther apart, and I feel I only have time for pictures! Here are a few....

Apple picking with Dylan...

...and Dominic

Apple picking trip #2 with Liam (and Grace)

Watching the fisherman

Mimi and Molly...nice smiles!

"Feed me, feed me, feed me!!"

Fun with friends (Liam and Grace) on a rainy day

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Short riding video

Many things to celebrate!

It's been an exciting week. Dad's (papa's) 70th birthday, our anniversary, and Foster learning to ride a bike.

We finally cleaned up a bike I found in our neighborhood (on trash day) and Foster was eager to ride it (unfazed by the princess theme). After 1 day of training wheels, he was insistent on taking them off. For a kid who is reluctant to walk short distances, I have to say, I was reluctant. But after one loop around the neighborhood, he got it and we did two more loops! Despite screaming sciatica, I could have run for miles watching him ride that bike. He was so proud of himself. I'm not sure if the videos will work, but I'll try to upload them!
Yesterday with wheels. Molly loves running everywhere Foster rides...


We also had a fun day yesterday at a fiddle contest. Kids loved the dancing and homemade ice cream, not to mention the hay rides.

A very happy anniversary to my wonderful husband, Chris. 10 years of marriage and 20 years of friendship. I love you more than words can say.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Trying to stay cool...'s been a hot one this summer! Although the weather makes things drag, the summer seems to be flying by! We've celebrated both Foster's and Molly's birthday in May and June. Foster had a fun birthday party with friends at a playground and Molly had a quiet celebration with just the family (cupcakes of course). Their "school" year finished in May and now they are home with a sitter for the summer. June was a very busy month for Chris with conferences in Boston and Washington DC which straddled a trip to Williamstown for our 15th college reunion. We had a spectacular time, mostly due to the fact that Dad and Linda watched the kids that weekend. Thank you!! We also got dressed up for cousin Cameron's wedding, which was a beautiful event. June wrapped up for Chris with a trip to Montana for the men's yearly fishing trip. While he was there, I decided on an impromptu long weekend to the NJ shore. It was exhausting alone, but much more fun than spending a 3-day weekend at home without Chris! Unfortunately, Molly managed to bring a little bit of the beach back with her, and ended up needing a surgeon to cut out a very little piece of glass from her foot which had traveled up near her bone. Almost completely resolved at this point, but an exciting 24 hours. Likely not our last trip to the ER with her!

 To stay cool, we've been spending a TON of time at the pool, eating popsicles, painting with water on the walkway, and going to indoor museums, libraries, and play dates. I got a break from the heat by escaping to Victoria on Vancouver Island with mom for a veterinary conference. We had an incredible time walking, kayaking, exploring, eating, drinking, and enjoying the time together.

The pictures are all jumbled...sorry!

Wedding attire

Incredible orca art

Fun ride in the kids sized wheelchair

Off to surgery

Dancing at a concert

On the whale watching boat

Buchardt Gardens-an old quarry. Amazing.

Last day of school in pig and cow costumes

Wheels on the bus go round and round...

I'm two!!

Post dinner nightly popsicle

Painting with water

Enjoying the view at the beach

Boardwalk fun

Yoga in the park

I'm four!

Orcas from Pod K
Amber and family visiting Victoria for a day to see us.

Friday, May 17, 2013

May wanderings

 New walkway...definitely ours now!

Chillin' by the bikeshop

So bored with Mom taking pictures

Molly and bestie Tobi

Dressing up, but keeps the hat.

Why I love my job.

Tape? What tape? I didn't touch any tape.

Home sweet home

Hi Dad!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Fun in the sun (most of the time)

Spring has officially surpassed Fall as my favorite season of the year. Everything is so lush, new, and beautiful, and we can't spend enough time outside! Loving the warmish days and cool nights. If only they would last....
Fishin' on the canal

Baseball with friends

Teamwork at Howell Farm

Molly insisted on the hat backwards all day

This is why we went BACK to the highchair after a short experiment at the table. You don't even want to see what the table looked like!

Ladybug Girl

Neighbor friends, Yardena and Aura. We see a lot of them!

Philly Phun

Zoo favorite