Monday, August 20, 2012

Weekend fun!

We are enjoying the break from the humidity and late summer weekends!
Walter and Wanda, our favorite pigs.


Look Dad, I cleaned out the garage for your new car!

Molly's first haircut...a bit skeptical, but she handled it well!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Camp 2012

July took us to Mystic and NYC, and August found us in the Adirondacks. We had a great weekend with the entire Mills/Marchant/Little clan and then a nice quiet family vacation. The weather was spectacular, the lake warm, the kids slept well (for the most part), Chris caught a fish or two, I saw one bear cub and one set of bear tracks, and the road trips were manageable! Miss it already.
Getting so big!

A hoodie morning!

Lovin' the mud

Foster's first real hike on his own two legs!

Bear tracks

Loving hugs