Sunday, October 30, 2011

Molly's 1st snow!

It's hard to believe we were just shopping for mums and pumpkins on a sunny warm day and then today we have snow!

Foster and Molly enjoyed their first snowy walk together (to Cramer's bakery of course). After 12 (cold) hours without electricity we're glad to be on the grid again!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

4 month stats

At her 4 month appointment Molly weighed in at 15 lbs 10 oz (80%) and 27 inches long (97%). She continues to be a very easy going baby and a relatively good sleeper (only up once in the night during a 12 hour stretch). After a few weeks of Foster waking between 4-5 am, it looks like we're back to the normal 6-7am...Phew! Not much news to report...just enjoying the fall weather!

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blast in Boston

This weekend we travled to Boston for cousin Teddy's christening and to see the whole family and some local friends. We had a great time with everyone and thanks to Will, Erika, and Carter for hosting us all weekend! Saturday we spent the morning at the Marchant household (Foster buried himself in all Taylor and Olivia's animals) and the afternoon with the Morris family. Sunday we attended the beautfiul christening followed by a brunch at Laura's house. Sunday afternoon se were lucky enough to also catch up with the Phillips family and adorable blue-eyed Alaia and the Bierne family with not-so-little anymore Duncan! Since our drive up on Friday was long and painful, we decided to try the later shift on Monday, which gave us time to hang out with the VanCleef family on Monday morning. Molly loved watching all of her boy cousins play with their toys!
See more pics on Carter's blog...

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

More fun with family!

Mimi came to visit last weekend and we all loved having her around! She was a great sport putting up with travel delays (she took a car, bus, airplane, and two trains to get to our house), Foster's early morning wake-ups (4-5am), perpetual duck/alligator races, dino riding, sporadic temper tantrums, and Foster's new favorite word..."NO!!!" Luckily there were many good times amid the moody times, especially at the playground!

Mimi was a huge help and we miss her this week! Can't wait to see the whole family this weekend!