Monday, November 22, 2010

Meeting Gigi

We traveled to Florida this weekend with the Morrises to introduce the boys to their great-grandmother, Gigi (aka Grams, Mimi, Mary, etc). It was wonderful to see them with her and they had a blast at the beach, pool, and hotel.  It was a whirlwind of a trip but worth every minute!

Foster's first trip to the ocean!

Returning "home" after a day in the sun

Checking each other out

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Thursday, November 4, 2010


Foster enjoyed his second Halloween this past weekend with Dad, since I was out of town at a conference (terrible timing for parents). He inherited a Nemo costume as a hand-me-down and it fit perfectly! He didn't seem to mind the hood either...a rarity. We may have more pictures coming from a friend from the actual trick-or-treating, but here are a few from home and from his school party last week.  Chris reports he actually got the hang of taking a piece of candy and putting it in his bag...but luckily he didn't even realize it was food (more for chris and I).
Fish versus cat. Fish wins.

Scared of his teacher in a witch costume
Last weekend Foster acquired some new pint sized furniture. I passed a yard sale on Saturday and saw this little table. Ironically I also found a kiddie computer now he has his own "home office" all for $5! We were hoping his own "computer" will distract him from ours...fat chance.
Hard at work

Diligently taking notes

Foster also received an early xmas present from the Littles this week...his own comfy monogrammed chair! He loves it and doesn't like it when mom or dad try to use it. Thanks Nana and Pops!