Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas pics

I finally found my camera cord...Phew! Here are a few from the xmas weekend in Gloversville. We woke up one morning to a Hoar frost..little needles of frost on everything. It looked beautiful!Our stockings...knit by my grandmother and mom (aka Mimi) over the generations.
Foster got lots of new toys this Christmas. This one is a favorite. Thanks Mimi!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Temporary fillers!

I seem to have misplaced (I'm not ready to say "lost") my computer cord this vacation, so I'm going to have to rely on pictures I already have uploaded to keep you entertained! At Thanksgiving, Pierce and Foster had a holiday photo is one of many. I'll also include a family picture from Gloversville this weekend. The littlest Mills is Carter on the right...4 weeks old!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We've had a wonderful Christmas in Gloversville and we finally got to meet our new nephew Carter (4 weeks old). The boys had matching outfits on xmas day, totally by chance. We'll upload more pics once we're home!

Monday, December 21, 2009

White Christmas!

Even though we were guaranteed a white Christmas in Gloversville, it's nice to have some snow around here. If only Chris had been around to help with the shoveling! Luckily he gets in tonight, after a 48 hour delay b/c of the snow. My dad and Linda stopped by yesterday and helped with the snow removal and picked up Colden, a dog they saved at the clinic I work in. He got shut in a manual garage door and the owners couldn't afford to support him during his recovery. It sounds like he and Tupper are already getting along famously. Foster bundled up with me yesterday morning and kept me company while shoveling. He even fell asleep for about 3o minutes out there.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

Foster has been loving the cold weather this week, bundled head to toe with his penguin in tow! We try to get outside everyday, even if just for a brisk walk around the block. Usually the preparation to get out of the house takes twice as long as the walk itself. But it's worth it for all involved. Plus we have to acclimate ourselves for our Christmas in upstate NY, where they already have 8 inches of snow on the ground.
He also got to unwrap his first Christmas presents with Tricia, his nanny. He loves his light-up stackers! Tricia spends Tues-Thursdays with Foster and we are so lucky to have her. Foster lights up whenever she walks in the door!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Foster puts everything in his mouth these days...even his feet when he has the opportunity. Here he's showing off his yogi moves during his pre-bath naked time. Since we've started some solid foods, I found a great little device (albeit very messy and almost impossible to clean) that holds a piece of food for the baby to suck on, without getting chunks. It combines the things in life he likes, sucking, and chewing (yes, embarrassingly, I am singing along to Gwen Stefani...but only to teach him how to spell B-A-N-A-N-A-S).

Chris is in SanFran this week for a conference...we miss you daddy!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It doesn't get much cuter that this series of Foster laughing at Dad!

Monday, December 7, 2009

December visitors

We had a fun weekend hosting Micaela, Nathan and Cara from NYC for Saturday night. Foster loves new people and was happy to be passed around! It was good practice for MC and Nate, who are expecting their first in May. It was also Foster's first snow! Not enough to build a snowman, but enough to look pretty for a few hours.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Belated Thanksgiving

Aunt Laura and Uncle Drew (above). Uncle Halsey and cousin Pierce (below)

Since I didn't have time to post much over Thanksgiving, and then Carter arrived soon after that, I'll finally post a few more from Turkey day. We had the Little clan here and Foster loved spending so much time with everyone!
Nana and Pops