Wednesday, September 30, 2009

See you soon!

We miss you Dad-Hope you're having fun in rainy Seattle!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nanny PaPa

Foster and Papa are enjoying the week together while mom is at work. Foster misses dad, but has a strong male presence this week to make up for it. He got his first round of vaccines today and a clean bill of health! His sleeping habits have much improved, getting up only once or twice between 7pm and 7am. More sleep makes mom a happy camper!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why me mommy?

Who doesn't love to vibrate in this chair?

Foster a bit shocked by another hat attempt. Do I really have to go out in public with this thing on?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Painfully Preppy

This week...growing into some (preppy) big-boy clothes, a hat that finally fits, some great smiles, and big blue eyes! We've had a great time with Nana and Pops visiting, who were so helpful with Foster and around the house. We'll miss them next week!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Arbor Day

Our good friends and neighbors from across the street, Katherine and Robert Eyre, gifted us a Dogwood tree to celebrate Foster's birth. This weekend we planted it in place of our recently dead Japanese maple. After some serious digging in a light rain by Robert and Chris (Katherine and I were on baby duty and organizing the compost/manure/soil mix to fill the hole with), the Dogwood settled into its new home nicely. A beautiful gift to watch grow with Foster!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


It's been a fun week around Chez Petit. We were lucky enough to have Mimi (liz's mom) visiting and helping out with Foster all week and then Spencer stopped by from the West coast. He and Chris had a full day of golfing, cleaning cars, and brewing some beer (pictured). I think Mimi had the magic touch when it came to sleeping...Foster has had consistent stretches of 6-8 hours! Luckily it coincided with me going back to work and needing more sleep myself. It's been so rewarding having Foster smile and coo this week. Whereas most new parents have to wait about 5 weeks for that feedback, we had to wait 15. It's been worth the wait (see video). We looking forward to Nana's (Chris's mom) arrival on Monday!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Same blog, new design!

After seeing cousin Pierce's stylish blog ( I decided to spice up Foster's background. For those of you who have seen his nursery, you'll recognize the "tree" theme. They are almost identical to those on his walls! You can see that as compared to our trusty caterpillar, he is at least 24 inches head to toe.

Friday, September 4, 2009

15 weeks

The social smiles have kicked in this week...such a treat! He's also working on his rhythm to his favorite song, Mahna Mahna (muppets).

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Potpourri of Pics

Some random pics from the week...they include a bright eyed focusing Foster, yet another too-small hat (I have to knit faster than he grows!), tummy time with big eyes, an ankle biter, and the first bumbo experience...he can't quite hold that head up yet!